Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I just read an update from Coleman's Mom...

On Christmas Eve, they had to take Coleman to the ER. He was having slurred speech and other symptoms...the doctors ran some tests and found that two new spots have appeared on his brain.

Hospice has been called in and they are home...trying to make Coleman comfortable. He's pretty much unresponsive most of the time. Peggy and Scott (his parents) have talked to Caden (Coleman's twin) about what could happen. Of course they're not giving up...but they are trying to prepare him. I can't imagine having to have that conversation...the whole thing seems like it's just too much to bear...but thankfully we are assured that God will give us the strength we need to face the situations we encounter..and that is my hope and prayer that this family feels the peace of Christ surround them..that they feel each of us walking alongside of them...and that they are strengthened beyond their own capacity.

Please pray...there's nothing else I can say...just please pray.