Friday, October 3, 2008

Team Larson

I had blogged awhile back about a pretty cool little dude--Coleman Scott...who is a 4 year old twin brother to Caden...the Larsons are a family that I admire so much because of their faith and strength. Its easy to say we have faith in God when things are going's easy to praise God when most everything is pretty smooth in our lives...but when your child is battling a deadly disease and the future is unknown...that's when the rubber meets the road--I think true faith is played out in those moments...and that is why I admire so much the witness this family lives. Coleman has cancer...I can't tell you all of the details because I can't remember all the specifics and it would take me an hour to type, but I encourage you to check out their webpage on care may have already...if not go to this link:

You may have to set up an account, but you won't be sorry...the things these boys say and do are hilarious...but the reason I am adding this post to The Common Bond is because they found out today the cancer has spread in Coleman's brain and spine over the last month since he'd been checked. They are in New York City for a treatment, and from what I understand it's a one shot kind of thing...they are unable to do the treatment as planned because of this new development...and on top of that they are having to put him on some sort of medication but they are unsure if insurance is going to pay for it.

Please pray for Coleman and also his precious family...his parents names are Scott and Peggy...and of course, Caden. These children will melt your heart. I had sent a Faith, Hope and Love bracelet to Peggy and she sent me a card this past week saying that the boys thought the package was something for them...they were so excited...and then when she opened it and they saw it was a bracelet Caden said, "Mommy, I'm glad you got a gift this time..." I thought how sweet is that?
Just keep praying...I guess this would be another 'beat down the doors of heaven plea. I'm hoping we get to witness a God-sized miracle.